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Showing posts from January, 2018


HALI-DAS COMPUTER STUDIES GRADUATION SPEECH BY THE S.R.C PRESIDENT, MR. SULE DRAMANI ABEDNEGO IN THE GRADUATION CEREMONY HELD ON SATURDAY JANUARY 14 TH 2017 AT THE GARU TEACHERS CO-OP ERATIVE CREDIT UNION CONFERENCE HALL. Mr. Chairman, Chiefs, General Manager and Staff Members of Hali-Das, District police Commander, Ghana Education Service Representative, Hon. Assembly Members, pastors and Imams present, Members of the media, parents, invited Guests, fellow students, all protocol observe, Ladies and Gentlemen. It affords me much pleasure to have this opportunity to deliver this speech before this august body .I am Sule Dramani Abednego. I thank God for what he did, what he is doing and what he will do:   we have gather here to congratulate, to encourage and to appeal to the general public, for what they did on the 05/09/2015 when Hali- Das computer studies was cerebrating it first Graduation ceremony, it is an institution close to us in Garu-Tempane District to eq...


HALI-DAS COMPUTER STUDIES GRADUATION SPEECH BY THE S.R.C PRESIDENT, MR. AGOMA ABENGIBA SIMON IN THE GRADUATION CEREMONY HELD ON SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 5 TH 2015 AT THE GARU TEACHERS CO-OP ERATIVE CREDIT UNION CONFERENCE HALL. Mr. Chairman, Chiefs, DCE-Garu, Management and Staff Member of Hali-Das, District Police Commander, Ghana Education Service Representative, Hon. Assembly Members, Pastors and Imams present, Members of the media, parents, invited Guest, Fellow student all protocol observe, Ladies and Gentlemen. The Lord is good and his mercy endures forever. This day 5 th September, 2015 marks the end of particularly long and difficult Graduation period. This day however is also a special day that signifies the ending of years of hope for fifty students who have completed in one of the unique I.C.T school in the Garu- Tempane district. Mr. Chairman, we the students of Hali-Das Computers who sit in as graduates and pioneers for that matter are proud to begin the pr...


3 RD GRADUATION SPEECH DELIVERED BY – SRC PRESIDENT (ABUGBILLA TIMOTHY ATIBE) – 6 TH JANUARY, 2018 Mr. Chairman, Chiefs, General   Manager and Staffs of Hali-Das Computer Studies,   District Chief Executive, District Police Commander, Ghana Education service Representatives present, Hon. Assembly Members, Pastors and Imams, Friends from the Media, Parents,   Invited Guests, Fellow Graduants, Ladies and Gentlemen, All Protocol Observed. Mr. Chairman, this is the 3 rd graduation of Hali-Das Computer Studies which means Hali-Das has established in Garu-Tempane District for quiet a long time now. Mr. Chairman, I am very delighted to have this opportunity to deliver this speech before this august occasion .Ladies and Gentlemen, in my capacity as the SRC President, we have contributed a lot towards the development of the school. In terms of governance, the SRC has been working tirelessly hand in hand with the school authorities to make sure the school runs on...


Staff and Board of Directors

January, 2018 Graduation speech

HALI-DAS COMPUTER STUDIES A SPEECH DELIVERED BY- THE DIRECTOR OF THE SCHOOL Mr. Chairman, chiefs, the district police commander, Heads of department, parents, the media, invited guest, students, Ladies and gentlemen. It has been a great day that almighty God has made, and it is a very remunerable day that the outgoing and the incoming students and all of us gathered here will never forget,   let me also take this opportunity to thank the almighty God Allah for how far he has broad us, Mr. Chairman, to start with the school started over three (3) years now therefore let me take this opportunity to thank those who have contributed positively to the vision of the school, my first thanks go’s to all the institutions and organizations in the district ie Garu – Tempane district for their maximum support throughout the three years Mr. chairman, the school board of directors and the staff has also done so much as far as hali-das computer studies are concern, parents ...